¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿Las Pasivas????????




 Yes, I know what you are saying!! Oh my god The Passive Voice!!!!! ¡Qué complicado!

Take it easy, my awesome students because The passive voice is a piece of cake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Yes, I’m determined to help you pass with flying colours.🌈 🌈

Resultado de imagen de passive voice esquema

Para transformar una oración activa a pasiva tenemos en cuenta los siguientes puntos:

1. El objeto de la oración activa pasa a ser el sujeto de la pasiva.

2. El verbo principal se sustituye por el auxiliar “to be”, en su mismo tiempo, junto al verbo principal en participio.

3. El sujeto de la oración principal pasa a ser complemento agente de la pasiva.

4. Si hacemos mención en la oración del sujeto que realiza la acción (sujeto agente), este irá normalmente precedido por la preposición “by”.


Sigues pensando que es complicado??????!!!!!!!!


Lo mismo que has leído pero en un esquema,mira qué fácil:

 Resultado de imagen de passive changes 


Resultado de imagen de la pasiva ingles verb changes

 Resultado de imagen de la pasiva ingles verb changes

Dan has defeated him in the third round 

 He has been defeated in the third round by Dan. 

 (Ha sido derrotado en la tercera ronda por Dan.)


Let's see more examples:
Resultado de imagen de passive voice esquemaResultado de imagen de passive voice esquema
   Resultado de imagen de passive voice esquema


 OK, more practice:

 ACTIVITY 1. Change to passive:

The girls had eaten the cakes.



The cakes had been eaten by the girls.



David was buying a book.


A book was being bought by David.


They are going to plant trees.



Trees are going to be planted (by them) .



Resultado de imagen de by agent omission passive voice

 Now listen to this song ,Which is the passive sentence? Which will be the active form?

La pasiva con dos objetos

Cuando hay dos complementos, lo más frecuente es poner el complemento indirecto como sujeto.

 They should give Leah some time to rest

[PASSIVE] Leah should be given some time to rest

[PASSIVE] Some time to rest should be given to Leah. [menos frecuente]

Recuerda que si el complemento indirecto es un pronombre objeto, se cambia a la forma de pronombre sujeto. 

Dan has defeated him in the third round   

He has been defeated in the third round by Dan.

(Ha sido derrotado en la tercera ronda por Dan.)

¿Te mueres por practicar lo aprendido? I mean…who doesn’t? 🤩🤩🤩
Let's practice!
Activity 1.The Passive with Two Objects. Make two possible answers in the passive.
1. John gave a bar of chocolate to Jill.
a: Jill...
b:A bar of chocolate...
2. I lent a pencil to Graham.
3. Fiona told the truth to Julian.
4. They offered the job to Simon.
5. The boss showed the new computer to Anna.


Activity 3. Turn the following sentences into active sentences:

A meal is being cooked by me.

Her dog will be walked.

The sweater was worn by them.

The kite was flown by John.   
I am cooking a meal.
Someone will walk her dog.
They wore a sweater.
John flew the kite.
Activity 4. Complete this liveworksheet:


Activity 5. The Beatles – All you need is love 
Fill the gaps with the correct form of the passive of the verb in brackets.
Notice that the passive phrases are in relative clauses so follow the example:
this is something that you can’t understand
---> this is something that can’t be understood
Then listen to the song to check your answers


¿Te creías que esto era todo??? My dear grammar lover, continuamos con la party de las pasivas!!!!! 🥳 🎉 🎉 🥳 🥳

💂🏻‍♀️Impersonal Passive Forms.

La pasiva con verbos como say, believe, know, expect, think, consider y suppose.
Con estos verbos es posible utilizar dos tipos de construcciones de pasiva:
STRUCTURE 1: Una construcción impersonal.
"it" + verbo en pasiva + subordinada introducida por "that" 
Se traduce como una oración impersonal ("Se dice/se piensa /se cree ... " ) o una oración en activa.
STRUCTURE 2 :Una construcción formada por: 
sujeto + verbo en pasiva + infinitivo
Este tipo de pasiva también se traduce como una oración impersonal o una oración activa. 
Let's see an example:
 Everybody knows that Peter is very good at business. 
STRUCTURE 1:  "it" + verbo en pasiva + subordinada introducida por "that" 

It is known that Peter is very good at business  

(Se sabe/Es sabido que Peter es muy bueno en los negocios)  
STRUCTURE 2: sujeto + verbo en pasiva + infinitivo
Peter is known to be very good at business. 
(Se sabe/Es sabido que Peter es muy bueno en los negocios)
    Let's study another example:

People believe the Queen is very rich. 

1-It is believed that the Queen is very rich. (Se cree que la Reina es muy rica) 

2-The Queen is believed to be very rich. (Se cree que la Reina es muy rica) 


What about the tense?

1. Present reporting verb
In the active sentence we have "say/know..."  in Present Simple, therefore in the passive sentence we use the Present Simple passive : is said/known....

And in the subordinate sentence????????
Present reference
The passive is followed by the present infinitive (to-infinitive).
People think that Smith is in England.
Smith is thought to be in England.

Past reference
The passive is followed by the past infinitive (to have + past participle).

People know that Smith left England last week.
Smith is known to have left England last week.

2. Past reporting verb
When this is in the past, the past infinitive tends to follow
People said that Sue had paid too much.
Sue was said to have paid too much.

The police thought that the thief was  in the house.
The thief was thought to have been in the house.


Passive infinitive
Two possibilities:
Patient subject taken as the new subject:   to have+ been+ past participle
Agent as subject :  to have+ past participle

Everyone knows the portrait was painted by an Italian.
The portrait is k
nown to have been painted by an Italian
An Italian is known to have painted the portrait.
En las oraciones pasivas formadas con el verbo expect, el verbo de la subordinada suele ir en futuro.
We expect the documentary to reach all audiences. 
It is expected that the documentary will reach all audiences. 
(Se espera/ Esperan que el documental llegue a todos los públicos.)

Are you in? Let’s go! 💪💪

Activity 1. Impersonal Passives/ passives with reporting verbs. Make two possible answers 
1. Everyone knows that eating fruit is good for you.
2. They say that the escaped prisoner lives in Spain. 
3. They consider that Maths is a difficult subject. 
4. They say that all the answers are included in her book. 
5. They say that their marriage is breaking up. 
6. People said that Henry was very intelligent

7. People knew that Mary was the champion


1. Everyone knows that eating fruit is good for you.

  • It is known that eating fruit is good for you.
  • Eating fruit is known to be good for you.
2. They say that the escaped prisoner lives in Spain.
  • It is said that the escaped prisoner lives in Spain.
  • The escaped prisoner is said to live in Spain.
3. They consider that Maths is a difficult subject.
  • It is considered that Maths is a difficult subject.
  • Maths is considered to be a difficult subject.
4. They say that all the answers are included in her book.
  • It is said that all the answers are included in her book.
  • All the answers are said to be included in her book.
5. They say that their marriage is breaking up.
  • It is said that their marriage is breaking up.
  • Their marriage is said to be breaking up.   
6. People said that Henry was very intelligent:
  • It was said that Henry was very intelligent
  • Henry was said to have been very intelligent
7. People knew that Mary was the champion 
  • It was Known that Mary was the champion
  • Mary was known to have been the champion.
1.  People know that she is a good swimmer.
 2. They say that Francis is in hospital.
3. They think that the children are in bed.
4. People believe that nuclear power stations are dangerous.
5. His collegues think that he is on holiday.


¿Has llegado hasta aquí?

Eso quiere decir que has sobrevivido a las passives.

Yee-haw! 🤠🤠 You survived! A big round of applause! 👏 👏

PS ¿Examen a la vista? Practice and study and you’re guaranteed to pass with flying colours! 🌈 El secreto está en practicar. Como dice una de mis expresiones favoritas “practice makes perfect”. Ahí os dejo un montón de ejercicios para que practiquéis. Are you ready? 💪


Activity 1. 


Activity 2


Activity 3.


 Activity 4


 Activity 5. Listening. Click on the link:

Activity 6. More Pratice (Optional)

Ejercicio 1 - Pasar de activa a pasiva
Ejercicio 2 - Elige activa o pasiva.
Ejercicio 4 - Pasiva y modales
Ejercicio 5 - Escribe la forma correcta
Ejercicio 6 - Escribe la forma correcta.
Ejercicio 7 - Más pasiva.
Ejercicio 8 - Preguntas en pasiva.
Ejercicio 9 - Elige la forma correcta.
Ejercicio 10 - Escribe la forma correcta.
Ejercicio 11 - Activa o pasiva.
Ejercicio 12 - Activa o pasiva.
Ejercicio 13 - Tiempos continuos.
Ejercicio 14 - Pasiva con modales.
Ejercicio 15 - Pasiva con doble objeto.
Mas ejercicios de pasiva.



Game 1. The Coca Cola story "Start the little movie and watch it , play the game..."
Reading: "The story of Coca-cola"

Game 2. This game is aimed at revising active to passive sentence transformations. The sentences used are about well-known artists, performers and musicians such as Harry Styles, Miley Cyrus, Shakira, Bizarrap, Rosalía or Ed Sheeran, among others.




  • The game can be played by 2 to 4 players.
  • Each player must choose a chip (yellow, blue, red or green) and roll the dice (just click on the digital die and wait for it to stop).
  • The player who gets the highest number will be the one to start the game.
  • To play, each participant must roll the dice and move his/her piece to the corresponding square.
  • In each square there must be a question about an active sentence that needs to be turned into a passive sentence. If he/she answers correctly, he/she can stay in the square they have landed on;  if not, they have to go back to their previous square. 
  • The player who reaches the finish line first wins.

 Resultado de imagen de passive voice jokes




































Keys to the file given in class:



Answers to the passive(practice) entry


  1. Many people begin new projects in January

New projects are begun in January.

  1. You must wash that shirt for tonight’s party.

That shirt must be washed for tonight’s party.

  1. Mum is going to prepare the food.

The food is going to be prepared by mum.

  1. They make shoes in that factory.

Shoes are made in that factory.

  1. We will have to examine you again.

You will have to be examined again.

  1. They had finished preparations by the time the guests arrived.

Preparations had been finished by the time the guests arrived.

  1. The delegation will meet the visitors at the airport.

The visitors will be met by the delegation at the airport

  1. We have produced skis here since 1964.

Skis have been produced here since 1964.

  1. All workers will read the memo.

The memo will be read by all workers.

  1. Nobody can beat Tiger Woods at golf.

Tiger Woods cannot be beaten at golf.

  1. They also speak German at EU meetings.

German is also spoken at EU meetings.

  1. We must look into the question.

The question must be looked into.

  1. Someone reads the newspaper to him every day.

The newspaper is read to him every day.

  1. The Chinese discovered acupuncture thousands of years ago.

Acupuncture was discovered by the Chinese thousands of years ago.

  1. Has he given you back the book yet?

Has the book been given back to you yet?  

Have you been given back the book yet?

  1. The police locked up the criminals.

The criminals were locked up by the police.

  1. They must have left the keys behind.

The keys must have been left behind.

  1. The robbers made up the story.

The story was made up by the robbers.

  1. The boy is eating the cake.

The cake is being eaten by the boy

  1. Dad promised by a box of chocolates.

I was promised a box of chocolates.

  1. The spider scared her.

She was scared by the spider.

  1. The guide will show us the Natural History Museum in the afternoon.

We will be shown the Natural History Museum by the guide in the afternoon  

The Natural History Museum will be shown to us in the afternoon.

  1. The dentist is cleaning the woman’s teeth.

The woman’s teeth are being cleaned by the dentist.

  1. She showed her relatives the new house.

Her relatives were shown the new house.