Here you have an interesting short video presented by Alicia Garrido and Ángela Larios, 1ºBTO B
The story of Ashley, a teenager growing up within the framework of the "perfect American family" with two mothers, two grandparents, two uncles and a little brother.
But Ashley has a problem: has fallen in love with a boy at school, and that is totally contrary to what has been taught.
All facts reported in this short are true stories of victims of bullying.
Activity 1: Answer these questions before watching the video.
1.- What do you think this video is about?
2.- What do you think of bullying because of sexual orientation?
3.- Do you have anything against these people?
Activity 2: Now watch the video.
ORIGINAL TITLE: Love is all you need?
GENRE: Dramatic and romantic
YEAR: 2011
DIRECTOR: Kim Rocco Shields
NARRATOR: Lexi DiBenedetto
PRODUCER: Dana Garner
WRITTEN BY: Kim Rocco Shields and David Tillman
CINEMATOGRAPHY: Sandra Valde-Hansen
Activity 3: Finally answer these questions after watching the video.
1.- What do you think the end of the video?
2.- What if you were in the place of Ashley?
3.- What parts you have attracted more attention?
4.- And finally, what do you think of gay people?