8 MARCH: International Women's Day

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Have you ever heard about International Women's Day? 

Why do we need a day to celebrate just half the inhabitants of our planet? 

ACTIVITY 1 . Find out about this special day by reading the text you'll find in this link: 

Then check your understanding and vocabulary

Worksheets and downloads

ACTIVITY 2 . Read the website to learn more about five women who have been in the space:

Can you imagine a future where there’s no need at all to even have an International Women’s Day? 
Where there is total equality for men and women? Hmmm … something to think about but perhaps in your lifetime this could happen!?

Useful resources:

Printable fact sheet PDFs
Printable case study PDFs:
Useful websites:
International Women’s Day: www.internationalwomensday.com
UNWomen: www.unwomen.org
HeForShe: www.heforshe.org
BBC report: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-18187449

PDF icon International Women's Day - ans