5 JUNE: World Environment Day

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Good morning my fantastic students!
Welcome to the English class!

World Environment Day 2019: Images, GIF, Banners, HD Pics, Photos for 5th  June – Gadget Freeks
This session consists of a Googleclassroom activity/ Esta sesión  consiste en una actividad  que debéis entregar en Googleclassroom : 

Sustainable development goals

ACTIVITY 1. LISTENING. Watch the video. How can we make the world a better place? Listen to this song and learn how people plan to improve the world./ Ve el video y aprende cómo mejorar el mundo. (al final de la entrada tienes la transcripción)

ACTIVITY 2. VOCABULARY. Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a–h next to the numbers 1–8./ Empareja el vocabulario con las definiciones y escribe a-h al lado de los números 1-8

1…….. poverty 
2…….. peace
3…….. to improve 
4…….. to protect 
5…….. hunger 
6…….. the environment
7…….. well-being 
8…….. the globe

a. when there is no war
b. when people are very poor
c. when people don’t have enough food to eat
d. the planet
e. when someone is healthy and happy
f. to make better
g. to look after and keep something (or someone) safe
h. the air, land and water where we live

ACTIVITY 3. TRANSLATION. Tranlate into Spanish  the objectives of the video./ Traduce los siguientes objetivos que se proponen en la canción

  1. Make sure people have good health care.
  2.  Stop wars. There must be peace and justice.
  3. Stop hunger.
  4. Stop poverty.
  5. We must protect life under seas.
  6. People must have clean water.
  7. People need to learn and go to school.
  8. We must protect life on land.

ACTIVITY 4. LISTENING COMPREHENSION. Match the goal with the goal number and write a–h next to the numbers 1–8./ En las letras a-h tienes los objetivos que salen en la canción, según la canción, enumera los objetivos con Goal 1, Goal2,  según el orden que dicen en la canción. Recuerda que tienes la transcripción al final de esta entrada para que te sea más fácil, aunque debes intentarlo primero sin la transcripción-

1…….. Goal 1                                    a. Make sure people have good health care.
2…….. Goal 2                                    b. Stop wars. There must be peace and justice.
3…….. Goal 3                                    c. Stop hunger.
4…….. Goal4                                     d. Stop poverty.
5…….. Goal6                                     e. We must protect life under seas.
6…….. Goal 14                                  f. People must have clean water.
7…….. Goal 15                                  g. People need to learn and go to school.
8…….. Goal 16                                  h. We must protect life on land.

ACTIVITY 5. Write the words in the correct order to make lines from the song. 

1. development | sustainable | 17 | goals …………………………………………………………………………………….…………………..
2. all around | life | the globe | To improve …………………………………………………………………………………….…………………..
3. human health | environment | and the | Protecting …………………………………………………………………………………….…………………..
4. lie in it | have to | Whatever bed | we’re going to | we make …………………………………………………………………………………….…………………..

The United Nations is an organisation with goals of peace and sustainable development around the world. Their mission is huge, but we’re breaking it down in two minutes.

17 sustainable development goals
Let’s get to ’em ’cause the more you know

In some corners of the world today
People are living on a dollar a day
Hey, that’s not how it ought to be
So goal 1? Eliminate poverty
And goal 2, root out hunger across the globe
There’s 800 million people hungry, if you want to know
Number 3 is health and well-being
And getting people the health care that they’re needing
Learning and school are the heart of goal 4
Education opens up minds and doors
Goal number 5 is empower girls and women
So they can have the same rights that men are given
Number 6: people need water that’s clean
Poor sanitation can spread disease
Carbon-free energy is goal number 7
And how to achieve it is a question that’s pressing
But if we put our minds together
And work hard, we can find a solution, I’m guessing

17 sustainable development goals
To improve life all around the globe
Protecting human health and the environment
Whatever bed we make we’re going to have to lie in it (x 2)

Now imagine that you work all day for no pay
Economic growth and decent work is goal 8
Goal number 9 is to foster innovation
In infrastructure and industrialisation
Goal number 10: inequality reduction
11 is sustainable city construction
12: well, that’s sustainable consumption
So what we use matches up with production
Goal 13 calls for urgent action
To combat climate change ’cause we know it’s happening
14: protect life under seas
15: protect life on land
Goal 16 is for peace and justice
All over the planet, they’re in high demand
And the final goal, number 17
It’s the critical factor, the heart of the machine
It’s to strengthen the way we achieve these goals
Of sustainable development around the globe, yo

Love Our Environment. Free World Environment Day eCards, Greeting Cards |  123 Greetings