Hello super-motivated students!

We have already studied "Should", which is used to give an advice.

But do you know the structure "Had better"?

Let's go my dear students 🚀🚀🚀


 had better /’d better + base verb

 ('sería mejor que', 'es mejor que','más vale que' )

Esta estructura te puede resultar un poco extraña, pero en inglés se usa mucho ‘had better’ cuando queremos dar una recomendación que es prácticamente una orden, a STRONG WARNING. Si esa persona no sigue tu consejo, lo más probable es que haya una consecuencia negativa (It means that if you don’t follow the warning given with had better, something bad will happen). 

 El uso de HAD BETTER en inglés - Aprende Inglés Sila

 had better  casi siempre lo escucharás con la contracción(’d better) :

  • You had better not smoke there, because smoking is illegal in NYC parks. If you smoke, the police will give you a ticket.
  • It’s a cold day, so you had better dry your hair before going outside. If you don’t, you’ll catch a cold.
  • Bob’s doctor told him that he had better stop smoking.

👀 👀 Be careful! 

The use of the "TO" infinitive after had better is not correct:

  • You had better to finish your homework on time or I’ll be very angry.
  • You’d better pay me back tomorrow or I’m gonna find you.  
Had better SIEMPRE se construye con el auxiliar 'have' en el tiempo pasado (¡'has better' o 'will have better' no existen!).



Subject  + had better/ 'd better + base verb

  • You'd better discuss this issue with the head teacher. Sería mejor que hablaras de este asunto con la directora.


Subject  + had better/ 'd better  not+ base verb

  • He'd better not come. Es mejor que no venga / sería mejor que no viniese.


Casi nunca se utiliza.

  • What had I better put on for the party?
Time to practice!!
Follow the link and do the exercise: