La carta de presentación o de motivación ( “covering / motivation letter”)es un documento formal que acompaña a tu CV al solicitar un empleo.
Su objetivo es presentarte al empleador/ al ‘big cheese’ 🧀 (the boss) y explicar tu interés en el puesto resaltando tus habilidades y experiencia relevantes. (Si te conociera como yo seguro que ya estabas contratado/a 😛 😎)
No te andes con rodeos, ‘don’t beat about the bush’.Una carta de presentación o motivación no debería ocupar más de una página, así que no te enrolles y ve al grano. (En tu CV ya habrás incluido la información sobre tu experiencia laboral y los títulos que has obtenido)
Lee detenidamente la descripción del empleo y las especificaciones relativas al tipo de persona que buscan, subrayando las palabras clave que han utilizado. ¿En qué medida se corresponden tus conocimientos o tu experiencia con esas palabras?
Es muy probable que los encargados de la
selección lean tu carta bastante deprisa💀, así que ¡facilítales la tarea
señalando claramente cómo encajas con el puesto ofertado!
Pay attention and write a good covering letter ! Don’t worry! With these tips you’re gonna be killing it! ✌️
Jasmine Jones
123 Fourth Street
Boulder, CO 80309
(720) 555-5432
Mr. Trent Jennings
Development Manager
CMI Web Solutions
222 Corporate Park Road
Boulder, CO 80301
Re: Web Developer position
Dear Mr. Jennings,
I was excited to find the above open position at CMI Web Solutions and would like you to consider me for the job.I have great admiration for CMI's willingness to explore new technology and also their sense of corporate responsibility. I believe the skills I have will contribute to CMI's continued success and give me an opportunity to grow in my career.
As you can see from my resume, I have worked at Boulder Interactive Solutions for the past five years as a programmer/analyst. While there, I have utilized my Python, CSS and HTML skills to create or redesign numerous client websites. Each of these projects required client interaction and negotiation to bring their vision to life. Also, over the last six months, I have been given supervisory responsibility for two junior developers. This has helped hone my delegation and training skills.
My previous work experience includes maintaining Java-based call center software and developing productivity applications in Visual Basic. In my spare time, I volunteer at a local rescue shelter maintaining the website I developed for them three years ago (
Thank you for your time and consideration. Feel free to contact me anytime at the above number if you would like to schedule an interview.
Jasmine Jones
Layout for a general formal letter:
Encabezamiento |
Dear Mr Smith, To the hiring manager, To the head of [marketing], |
Razón por la que escribes al destinatario |
I am writing in response to your advert on [your website] looking for a marketing assistant… I saw your online advert looking for a [teaching assistant], and I would like to apply for the position… As a follower of your [website / store], I was delighted to see that you are looking to hire a…
Mostrar interés |
Having been a [user/ customer] of your products for many years, I am excited to apply for this position. As [nombre de la empresa] is a leader in the [software]
industry, I would love the opportunity to take on this role and help
develop your new product lines. Being part of a company like [nombre de la empresa] would be a great opportunity to put my customer service skills to good use in an international environment. |
Conclusión de la carta |
I look forward to hearing from you. If you require any further information, please feel free to contact me. I would be pleased to attend an interview if you would like to discuss my application further. |
Despedida |
Yours sincerely, Best regards, Kind regards, |