Wonderful student! Mantente atento/a, o lo que es lo mismo "be on the ball» y vamos a darle un poco al «coconut». 🥥

Reported speech! Reported whaaaaaat? 😳😅 

¿Te suena/Rings any bells?

Es como se llama al estilo indirecto. El ‘reported speech’ o ‘indirect speech’, es el estilo de comunicación por excelencia de los gossips /cotilleos. Do you have any nosy (cotilla) neighbour?

 Cotilleo GIFs | Tenor

Reported speech en inglés. Ficha resumen.

 Cuando contamos lo que alguien ha dicho, lo podemos hacer usando el estilo directo o bien el estilo indirecto.

El estilo directo repite con exactitud las palabras dichas y en el texto escrito, viene entrecomillado. La frase que introduce la oración va seguida de dos puntos o un coma.


 “ I’m surprised", she said/said she. // She said: "I am surprised".

El estilo indirecto sin embargo, no repite con exactitud las palabras sino que cuenta lo que alguien dijo en relación a algo.


(lyrics)Reported speech:

Like when you said you felt so happy you could die; 

Told myself that you were right for me…

Well, you said that we would still be friends…

You said that you could let it go; 

And I wouldn’t catch you hung up on somebody that you used to know.

Backshift of tenses

 If there is backshift of tenses in Reported Speech, the tenses are shifted the following way:


References of place and time changes


Amy Winehouse - Rehab

 It has a lot of examples of direct speech, so listen and turn these 
sentences into reported/indirect sentences:
1. The man said, "Why do you think you are here?"
2. I said, "I got no idea"
3. I said, "I'm gonna, I'm gonna lose my baby" // "I'm going to lose my baby"
4. I said, "So I always keep a bottle near"
5. He said, "I just think you're depressed"
6. I said, "This is me, yeah baby, and the rest"
Listen Gotye's song again and and turn these sentences into direct sentences:

1.You said you felt so happy you could die; 

2. I told myself that you were right for me…

3. You said that we would still be friends…

4. You said that you could let it go and I wouldn’t catch you hung up on somebody that you used to know.

Additional information

In some cases backshift of tenses is not necessary, e.g. when statements are still true.  

John: “My brother is at Leipzig university.”

  • John said (that) his brother was at Leipzig university. or
  • John said (that) his brother is at Leipzig university.


when you use general truth statements.

 Mandy: “The sun rises in the east.”

  • Mandy said (that) the sun rose in the east. or
  • Mandy said (that) the sun rises in the east.

If the introductory sentences is in the Simple Present, there is no backshift of tenses!!!! 


(Lyrics) Reported speech:

You tell me that you need me; 

Then you go and cut me down;

But wait

You tell me that you’re sorry; 

Didn’t think I’d turn around 

And say

That it’s too late to apologize; 

It’s too late.

I said it’s too late to apologize.

  Backshift of tenses is never wrong.

STATEMENTS (Enunciativas: afirmativas/negativas)

  • En estilo indirecto ya no se usan comas ni comillas.
  • En estilo indirecto, además, siempre se antepone la estructura del reporting verbal propio report:

     “I’m very proud of you”, said teacher Mercedes

     Teacher Mercedes said that             she was very proud of us.
         (reporting structure)                       (report)

  • En las oraciones enunciativas, los reporting verbs más comunes son:



o said (cuando no se especifica a quién se le dice el report/ si lleva el objeto se antepone la partícula TO )
o told me/her/them... (que obligatoriamente debe llevar el objeto de persona detrás) (no se usa “to” detrás de “told”)  


She said (to us) (that) it was such a beautiful day.
She told us (that) it was such a beautiful day.

  • "that" es omisible.
  • Deben aplicarse los cambios en tiempos verbales, referencias espacio-temporales, pronombres, etc., de los puntos anteriores.


We will buy Mercedes a present tomorrow”, my friends said to me 🎁😆😆
My friends told me (that) they would buy Mercedes a present the following day


  • Normalmente usamos los ‘reporting verb’ “asked” (nunca said that ni told).
  • Ya no se usa el signo de interrogación.
  • Hay que cambiar el orden de las palabras, como si fuera una oración normal (SUJ + VERB + OBJs), no el de las preguntas: 


“Do you like sushi?”, she said.   

       She asked me if I liked sushi.(no did I like)

  • Al igual que en las enunciativas, hay que aplicar los cambios en tiempos verbales, referencias espacio-temporales,pronombres, etc.

Hay DOS TIPOS de preguntas:

a) YES/NO questions. Se usa el conector “if” o “whether”:

 “Are you OK?”, my mom said to me. 

My mom asked me if/whether I was OK.

 b) WH- questions. El conector es la misma partícula interrogativa de la pregunta:

Where will you go?”, Paul said to Anne. 

  Paul asked Anne where she would go

 Reported Commands

  • Las órdenes en inglés no tienen sujeto, sino que empiezan con el verbo en forma base: “Study hard for the exam.” 
  • Las órdenes en negativa empiezan con Don’t: Don’t speak in class.” 
  • Reporting verbs’: asked (pedir), told (decir), ordered y commanded (ordenar), warn (advertir). Nunca se usa said. 
  • Tras el reporting verb, hay que especificar obligatoriamente un objeto de persona. Si no se sabe, nos lo inventamos: 
There is no backshift of tenses with commands/requests in Reported Speech. 


 Caricatura De William Shakespeare. Ser O No Ser. Retrato Del Famoso  Escritor Y Autor Inglés Ilustraciones Svg, Vectoriales, Clip Art  Vectorizado Libre De Derechos. Image 173444113.

  • affirmative commands → to + infinitive
Ponemos el verbo en infinitivo con “TO”:

Study hard for the exam”, the teacher said*.  

The teacher told us to study for the exam.
*{no se especifica a quién, lo inventamos} the students

  • negative commands → not + to + infinitive
En las órdenes negativas, usamos la estructura “NOT TO” más el verbo:

Don’t speak in class”, the teacher said to me. 

 The teacher told me not to speak in class.

 YA NO hay tiempos verbales, pero se siguen aplicando los cambios de referencia espacio-temporal, pronombres, etc.


1.1. Affirmative commands

  • Direct Speech → Dad: “Do your homework.”
  • Reported Speech → Dad told me to do my homework.

1.2. Negative commands

  • Direct Speech → Teacher: “Don't talk to your friend.”
  • Reported Speech → The teacher told me not to talk to my friend.

 Lenny Kravitz – Always on the Run


You have to convert these direct phrases into indirect speech:

Note that the lyrics of this song are in direct speech; most of the phrases don’t need any conversion, but a few do:

  • My mama said that it’s good to be fruitful (no change required)


  1. My mama said, "Leave those bad boys alone"
  2. My mama said,"Be home before the dawn.
  3. My mama said,"You can be rich or poor"
  4. My mama said, "Don’t take more than a mouthful"
  5. My mama said," You must push with much force"
  6.  My mama said, "Don’t ride that crazy horse"


Direct Speech

  • Father: “Let's watch a film.”

Reported Speech

  • Father suggested/ recommended watching a film.
  • Father suggested that they (should) watch a film

"Should" is often omitted, so, be careful the verb is a bare infinitive:

Peter suggested that she watch the film.


1.Perhaps you could talk to Zak about it,” Kevin said.

Kevin suggested

2.“I think he should see a doctor,” she said.

  She recommended

3.“Let’s study in the library,” he said.

He suggested

4.“Why don’t you call Jen?” Latoya said.

   Latoya recommended 

Reporting verbs



In conclusion, pay attention to these 5 steps

If you have a sentence in Direct Speech, try to follow our 5 steps to put the sentence into Reported Speech..
  1. Define the type of the sentence (statement, questions, command, suggestions)
  2. What tense is used in the introductory sentence?
  3. Do you have to change the person (pronoun)?
  4. Do you have to backshift the tenses?
  5. Do you have to change expressions of time and place?


Did you get it? Ready to test yourself?

Make sure you have read and understood the grammar rules above!

Comprueba que has dominado el reported speech para siempre con estos ejercicios (¿Qué tal si lo haces mientras escuchas la session de DJ Grammar ?). 

Happy learning!💪💪💪💪💪 


Let's practise with the lyrics of these songs:

"7 Years"  -LUKAS GRAHAM                                     

1.My mama told me,"Go and make yourself some friends or you'll be lonely."
2. My daddy told me,"Go and get yourself a wife or you'll be lonely."

"The Nights" - AVICII


1. One day my father, he told me,"Son, don't let it slip away."
2. He said,"When you get older your wild heart will live for younger days.
3. My father told me, "Think of me if ever you're afraid."
3. He said, "One day, you'll leave this world behind.
4. My father told me "Go and venture far beyond these shores.
5. My father told me "Don't forsake this life of yours.
6. He said, "I'll guide you home no matter where you are."
7. He told me,"Son, don't let it slip away."



Reported speech, una ficha interactiva de Romilc


Reported speech, una ficha interactiva de Gabbygrb
Reported speech, una ficha interactiva de Gabbygrb

Transform the following sentences from direct speech into reported speech:
 1. “I am always in a bad mood on Monday mornings,” said Brian.
2. “They were working last week,” she said.
3. “I have been to Zimbabwe,” said Evelyn.
4. “Isabell will give you a lift to the airport tomorrow,” he said.
5. “We had already eaten before we arrived so we didn’t taste the food,” said Simon.
6. “I can’t come to the party tonight, I have to study,” she said.
7. “You mustn’t go near that cliff edge, it’s dangerous!” said Zoey.
8. “You weren’t looking well yesterday,” Luke said.
Transform the following sentences from reported speech into direct speech.

1. She said that they had paid the bill.
2. Kelly said she was so tired of working every weekend.
3. He said their house had been for sale for six months.
4. Mark said that he had gone surfing the weekend before.
5. Max said he could help us move flats tomorrow.
6. My grandfather said that he had already had a baby by my age.
7. Greg said that Hadey hates going to the beach on weekends.
8.He said that he had loved his trip to Thailand the year before.

1.     John: "Mandy is at home."
John said (that) 
Mandy was at home.

2.     Susan: "I'm watching TV."
Susan said to me (that) 
she was watching TV.

3.     Simon: "David was ill."
Simon said (that) 
David had been ill.

4.     Peggy: "The girls helped in the house."
Peggy told me (that) 
the girls had helped in the house.

5.     Richard: "I am going to ride my skateboard."
Richard said to me (that) 
he was going to ride his skateboard.

6.     Stephen and Claire: "We have cleaned the windows."
Stephen and Claire told me (that) 
they had cleaned the windows.

7.     Charles: "I didn't have time to do my homework."
Charles remarked (that) 
he hadn't had time to do his homework.

8.     Mrs Jones: "My mother will be 50 years old."
Mrs Jones told me (that) 
her mother would be 50 years old.

9.     Jean: "The boss must sign the letter."
Jean said (that) 
the boss had to sign the letter.

With time


10.   Emily: "Our teacher will go to Leipzig tomorrow."
Emily said (that) 
their teacher would go to Leipzig the next day.

11.   Helen: "I was writing a letter yesterday."
Helen told me (that) 
she had been writing a letter the day before.

12.   Robert: "My father flew to Dallas last year."
Robert told me (that) 
his father had flown to Dallas the year before.

13.   Lisa: "Tim went to the stadium an hour ago."
Lisa said (that) 
Tim had gone to the stadium an hour before.

14.   Patricia: "My mother will celebrate her birthday next weekend."
Patricia said (that) 
her mother would celebrate her birthday the following weekend.

15.   Michael: "I am going to read a book this week."
Michael said to me (that) 
he was going to read a book that week.

16.   Jason and Victoria: "We will do our best in the exams tomorrow."
Jason and Victoria told me (that) 
they would do their best in the exams the next day.

17.   Andrew: "We didn't eat fish two days ago."
Andrew remarked (that) 
they hadn't eaten fish two days before.

18.   Alice: "I spent all my pocket money on Monday."
Alice complained (that) 
she had spent all her pocket money on Monday.

19.   David: "John had already gone at six."
David said (that) 
John had already gone at six.

20.   Christopher: "Do you want to dance?"
Christopher asked me 
if I wanted to dance.

21.   Betty: "When did you come?"
Betty wanted to know 
when I had come.

22.   Mark: "Has John arrived?"
Mark asked me 
if John had arrived.

23.   Ronald: "Where does Maria park her car?"
Ronald asked me 
where Maria parked her car.

24.   Elisabeth: "Did you watch the latest film?"
Elisabeth asked me 
if I had watched the latest film.

25.   Mandy: "Can I help you?"
Mandy wanted to know 
if she could help me.

26.   Andrew: "Will Mandy have lunch with Sue?"
Andrew asked me 
if Mandy would have lunch with Sue.

27.   Justin: "What are you doing?"
Justin asked me 
what I was doing.

28.   Frank: "How much pocket money does Lisa get?"
Frank wanted to know 
how much pocket money Lisa got.

29.   Anne: "Must I do the shopping?"
Anne asked 
if she had to do the shopping.



1.       Andrew: "Clean the blue bike!"
Andrew told me
 to clean the blue bike

  1. Jessica: "Write a text message!"
    Jessica told me
     to write a text message

32.    Nelly: "Help Peter's sister!"
Nelly told me
 to help Peter’s sister

33.    Fred: "Wash your hands!"
Fred told me
 to wash my hands

34.    Anna: "Open the window!"
Anna told me
 to open the window

1.       Karen: "Don't play football in the garden!"
Karen told me
 nt to play football in the garden

36.    Teacher: "Don't forget your homework!"
The teacher reminded me
 not to forget my homework

37.    Mike: "Don't shout at Peter!"
Mike told me
 not to shout at Peter

38.    Yvonne: "Don't talk to your neighbour!"
Yvonne told me
 not to talk to your neighbour

39.    Denise: "Don't open the door!"
Denise told me
 not to open the door
See you later alligator! 👋