Animated Gif Cinema (31)

Idea de Faby Hernndez en Buenos días | Buenos días, Saludos
Good morning my super wonderful students!
Welcome to English class!

 What sort of films do you enjoy?  romcom,  spaghetti westerns, sci-fi?

You've got a lot of genres to choose from:  

westerns (set in the American Wild West) or spaghetti westerns (those filmed in Italy) to action films (fights, car chases etc), adventure, animated (cartoons), or horror (lots of blood or ghostly visits). Perhaps you prefer comedy (or "romcom" – romantic comedy) or dramas. Sometimes these are epics (long, historical dramas) and sometimes these are adaptations (adapted either from a previous film, or from a book or play). What about thrillers (or suspense), or musicals (with song and dance) and science fiction (set in a futuristic world)? Or maybe you prefer the old black and white films, or the classics

   Resultado de imagen de film vocabulary

ACTIVITY 1. Guess the movie emoticon:

ACTIVITY 2. Movie genres:
ACTIVITY 3. Review the film vocabulary:

Cinema Vocabulary, una ficha interactiva de ab25


Writing a film review:

After watching a movie/film, you might want to ask questions like:
  • "Which character did you like the best?"
  • "What did you think of the plot?"
  • "Did you like the cast?"
  • "What was your favourite scene?"

Follow this link to get more information:




    Animated Gif Cinema (68)