CULTURE: Peace Day


The 30th of January we celebrate the “SCHOOL DAY FOR PEACE AND NO-VIOLENCE”.

Resultado de imagen de famous quotes for peaceEvery year, since 1964,January 30th it´s celebrated the School Day of NO-VIOLENCE and for PEACE in memory of day of death of Mahatma Gandhi, the man who fought peacefully and got  the independence for India, his native country.

We also commemorate the death of other pacifist man ,Martin Luther King , who was killed like Gandhi.

Resultado de imagen de peace These days we make several works at the classrooms about the meaning and importance of this day.

We are going to proclaim our peace wishes in colourful messages of Peace. 

Here you have some famous quotes to inspire you:

 Resultado de imagen de famous quotes for peace 
Resultado de imagen de famous quotes for peace
Resultado de imagen de famous women quotes for peace
Resultado de imagen de famous quotes for peace

Visit these links and get inspired:

Resultado de imagen de peace love


“We Are The World 25 For Haiti”

Recorded on February 1st, 2010, in the same studio as the original 25 years earlier (Henson Recording Studios, formerly A&M Recording Studios)

Resultado de imagen de peace day classroom decoration