VOCABULARY: Compound adjectives

Hello my super-motivated, well-behaved and good-looking students!

 ¿Cansado de usar los mismos adjetivos una y otra vez? Don’t you worry! Has aterrizado en el sitio correcto.

Dile «bye-bye» al simple beautiful or ugly,  empieza a utilizar los Compound adjectives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



A compound adjective is a single adjective made up of two or more words linked together by a hyphen.
The most common patterns for forming compound adjectives are 
Adjective + Noun + ed        and       Adverb + Past Participle   
Snakes are cold-blooded animals            She is wearing a brightly-coloured dress

Other combinations are possible:

Compound Adjectives With Numbers
  • three-second
    There’s a three-second delay.
  • ten-minute
    Let’s take a ten-minute break.
  • two-hour
    She attended a two-hour seminar.

Common Error: Adding -S

Don’t use -s at the end of compound adjectives with numbers:
  • Let’s take a ten-minutes break.
  • Let’s take a ten-minute break.

Adjective / Adverb 

+ Past Participle

  • narrow-minded = not open to different ideas/thoughts
    I can’t stand narrow-minded people who are intolerant of new ideas.
  • well-behaved
    They have three well-behaved children.
  • old-fashioned
    We had lunch in an old-fashioned restaurant with décor from the 1950s.
  • well-educated
    A lot of well-educated people are still having trouble finding jobs.
  • absent-minded = forgetful, not thinking
  • His absent-minded comment hurt his sister’s feelings.
  • strong-willed = strong desires, stubborn, does not desist
    She’s a strong-willed woman who won’t stop until she gets what she wants.
  • quick-witted = intelligent, clever, fast at thinking and discovering things
    The quick-witted detective solved the crime before anyone else had a clue.
  • kind-hearted = friendly
  • A kind-hearted stranger helped us find the train station.

Adjective / Adverb / Noun 

+ Present Participle (-ING)

  • good-looking = attractive, beautiful, handsome
    Who’s that good-looking guy over there?
  • long-lasting
    This long-lasting makeup will keep you looking lovely day and night.
  • record-breaking
    The athlete’s record-breaking performance won him the gold medal.
  • never-ending
    Learning a language seems to be a never-ending process.
  • mouth-watering
    There was a variety of mouth-watering desserts at the wedding reception.

Other Compound Adjectives

  • ice-cold
    There’s nothing better than drinking an ice-cold lemonade 
  • fat-free
  • These fat-free cookies are delicious!

When To Use A Hyphen?

Use a hyphen when the compound adjective comes
BEFORE the noun it modifies,
but not when it comes AFTER the noun.
This is a world-famous museum.
This museum is world famous.

Imagen relacionada
Resultado de imagen de compound adjectives

Compound, una ficha interactiva de lamyxinhdep
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Do not string all adjectives with hyphens!  
We often use more than one adjective to describe something 
- and that doesn't turn them into compound adjective!

 A small red ladybug (2 adjectives: "small" and "red")
A cute yellow duckling (2 adjectives: "cute" and "yellow")

Links: https://www.espressoenglish.net/compound-adjectives-in-english/