Future Perfect Tense | What Is the Future Perfect Tense?


 Future Perfect Simple - English Grammar Exercises

Future perfect



El "future perfect" está compuesto por dos elementos:
el "simple future" del verbo "to have" (will have) + el "past participle" del verbo principal

Sujeto + will have + "past participle" del verbo principal
He will have finished.
I will have finished.
To arrive, "future perfect"
Afirmativa Negativa Interrogativa Negativa interrogativa
I will have arrived I won't have arrived Will I have arrived? Won't I have arrived?
You will have arrived You won't have arrived Will you have arrived? Won't you have arrived?
He will have arrived He won't have arrived Will he have arrived? Won't he have arrived?
We will have arrived We won't have arrived Will we have arrived? Won't we have arrived?
They will have arrived They won't have arrived Will they have arrived? Won't they have arrived?


Forming the Past Participle (Regular Verbs)

If it's a regular verb, the past participle is the same as the simple past tense. In other words, it is formed like this:

Add "ed" to most verbs:
  • jump > jumped
  • paint > painted
If a verb of one syllable ends [consonant-vowel-consonant], double the final consonant and add "ed":
  • chat > chatted
  • stop > stopped
If the final consonant is "w," "x," or "y," don't double it:
  • sew > sewed
  • play > played
  • fix > fixed
If last syllable of a longer verb is stressed and ends [consonant-vowel-consonant], double the last consonant and add "ed":
  • incur > incurred
  • prefer > preferred
If the first syllable of a longer verb is stressed and the verb ends [consonant-vowel-consonant], just add "ed":
  • open > opened
  • enter > entered
  • swallow > swallowed
If the verb ends "e," just add "d":
  • thrive > thrived
  • guzzle > guzzled
If the verb ends [consonant + "y"], change the "y" to an "i" and add "ed":
  • cry > cried
  • fry > fried

Forming the Past Participle (Irregular Verbs)

If it's an irregular verb, the "past participle" is formed in all sorts of different ways. Here are some examples:
  • arise > arisen
  • catch > caught
  • choose > chosen
  • know > known
You just have to learn them!



El "future perfect" se refiere a una acción que se completará en el futuro. Cuando empleamos este tiempo verbal, estamos proyectándonos hacia el futuro y echando la vista atrás, hacia una acción concluida en algún momento posterior al presente. La mayoría de las veces, se emplea con expresiones temporales.

PAU-I.E.S José Caballero: GRAMMAR UNIT 1.
  • I will have been here for six months on June 23rd.
  • By the time you read this I will have left.
  • You will have finished your report by this time next week.
  • Won't they have arrived by 5:00?
  • Will you have eaten when I pick you up?

Future perfect, una ficha interactiva de Alexa_fuentes